Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Break 2010! Whoo!

So Im in The Big o'l Apple for this week of spring break! I assisted at Hearst's Studio D, which was amazing. I brought my film camera as well as my Mark II, but I honestly don't want to touch the digital camera, I was getting really burnt out from school before this week and I find the film camera is kind of therapeutic. Since I can't upload what I've taken so far in the city i'll share the three dollhouse images I've done so far and handed in for my Personal Submissions at school. I'll be adding models into the scenes with photoshop later. Another development in this project is that it turns out that my friend Christina who modeled for me last week apparently makes dollhouses herself, she showed me some pictures... and she wasn't kidding! Her dollhouses have everything from oriental rugs to working chandeliers! So, that'll be lots of fun to work with.
Be sure to check back soon, I have some more exciting things to post later, such as my new website that Im working on now and a shot i did last week of a nude suspended in milk! It came out so good, but needs some time in post.

The following pictures are from my friend Nikki's dollhouse, its beautiful. One of the reason this project is exciting to me is that its so easy to get people, specifically girls, interested. Nikki and Christina, my girlfriend and a bunch of their girlfriends all want to help me because dollhouses are one of those things that girls get in a way guys will probably never understand. But its like I've struck oil in the interests of all my female friends, its been fun getting excited about dollhouses with them.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Swillmerchants @ The Bitter End

A few weeks ago I traveled to New York City with The Swillmerchants for their concert at the Bitter End. I had such a good time hanging out with the guys. It was really cool to see and hang out at the house of my friend Matt, the guitarist/keyboardist, his family home is on staten Island. I submitted four of the images for my additional personal submissions at school.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Heres the latest

Doing a little catchup on the blog here. Ive completed my Phase Three mandatory assignment, now Im working on the personal submissions. I scanned some film, which include some of my professor Gregory Heisler, which I was really excited about. Also saw & photographed a Deer Tick concert, got to hang out with the drummer and bassist afterward, such a great time. Last week I traveled with The Swillmerchants down to NYC to photograph their concert, that was a lot of fun, I really like those guys. My personal submissions im working on involves a dollhouse, which is a lot of fun, although lighting it from the inside is a challenge im currently working on.

Phase 3 Mandatory - Advertisement

Reflective Metal

Product Sheet

Low Key Male

PR Alternative Portrait

The Swillmerchants at The Bitter End

The Swillmerchants and I after the show

Winter Tree, taken on Medium format film

The Man Himself - Gregory Heisler